Second Hand Uniforms

The Second-Hand Uniforms Team collect and sell King’s College School branded sports kit and uniform (no white shirts or grey shorts/trousers).

All proceeds go directly to the school bursary fund;

a record £27,000 raised in 2023/24

Monthly collection of donations

On the first Friday of every month (or the first one that falls in term time), calls for donation are made for all KCS-logo sports kit and uniform (see lists below).

All donations must be in good condition, washed and clean, with any name labels removed.

Donations are gratefully received in collection bins placed at each of the school entrances (Glencairn, Clifton and Southside) before 8.30am.

Collection dates for 2024/25:

Autumn term: 6th Sept., 4th Oct., 8th Nov., 6th Dec. 2024
Spring term: 10th Jan., 7th Feb., 7th Mar. 2025
Summer term: 25th Apr., 6th June, 27th June 2025

Termly sales (open to all parents)

Second Hand Uniform sales take place each term at the school from 10am – 11.30am.

Card payments only. Please bring your own carrier bag.

Enter via Glencairn gate only, with limited carparking in the coach carpark on the Ridgway.

Strictly no access to the rest of the school.

Sale dates for 2024/25:

Sunday 8th September 2024 (New Hall)
Sunday 12th January 2025 (Cotman Gallery)
Sunday 27th April 2025 (New Hall)

Card payments only accepted (no cash).
For rough indication of prices, second hand items are about half-price to new items sold in the School shop.

There is no guarantee that all items on the uniform list are available as it varies depending on donations received.
Our sales include all KCS branded sports kit and uniform:

For uniform and sports lists, refer to:

New joiner sales
Junior School Novices, Year 7 and 9 Induction Day,
New Sixth Form BBQ

In the Summer term prior to September start, the school organises event for new pupils: 7+ 8+ 9+ novices event morning/afternoon; Year 7/9 induction day; new sixth form BBQ. Second Hand uniform sales take place at each of these new joiner events.

Would you like to help?

The Second-Hand Uniforms team are a friendly bunch and always looking for new recruits! There is no requirement to commit to all dates, you can come help to as few or as many collections and sales as suits you.

Friday collections:

On collection mornings, volunteers arrive at school at 8.30 am (time required: roughly an hour or two) to sort through the donations received. Each item must pass a quality check before acceptance and those items are stored/put away correctly according to size/type.

Sunday sales:

On Sunday sale mornings, volunteers arrive at school at 9 am to collect stock from storage (on school site) and arrange/lay out donations by size/type on display tables in the New Hall. During the sale, the team help parents select uniform and sports kit.

At the end of the sale (11.30am) – all remaining stock is carefully packed back into their respective boxes by group/item and returned to storage for the next sale (finish 12pm).

Volunteers slots: 9 to 10.30 am (set-up and start of sale), 10.30 am to 12pm (end of sale and pack-up); you’re very welcome to come for the whole three hours of course!

If you would like to come and help, please sign-up using Sign-Up Genius:

For any queries or interest in volunteering, please contact our Second-Hand Uniforms team: